

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Education

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Our mission is to support and champion all the ways parents can participate in education and have their voices heard.  We want to be a powerful force for good in education in the UK that strives to bring homes and schools together for the good of all children and society as a whole.  With 13,700 members, we are proud to be the leading membership organization for parent teacher associations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


We are working towards a future where this is considered an essential ingredient in the success of our children’s education by society, schools and parents themselves by:

  • Engaging and inspiring individual parents
  • Supporting our PTA and other member associations
  • Helping schools be parent-friendly through guidance and training
  • Working with partners
  • Championing parents’ role in education and school life to education sector interests and policy makers.

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