- Identify people with care or caring needs through a support planning process.
- Self-referrals, county council or continuing health care referrals
- We look at how to meet our objectives on a person-centred basis:
- reconnecting friends
- connecting people to local interest groups
- supporting day trips such as fish and chip day in Cromer, garden centres, historic places etc
- social lunches, including house share, cafes, and outings
- gardening – enabling people to continue loving their garden with companionship and practical support (no overgrown gardens on our patch!)
- dog walking and pet care (enabling people to keep their best friends at home)
- pamper sessions for men and women
Sometimes the journey from where people find themselves (living in a room in a chair) needs to start closer to home and perhaps by soaking feet, as preparation for the journey ahead, helps unlock the barriers as to why people have become self-isolated.