Outward is a forward-thinking charity that works across ten London boroughs to support people to live with dignity and purpose.
Our work is diverse, from supporting people to live independently in their own homes to providing safe, secure accommodation and tailored support when and where it is needed. Everything we do is about enabling people to have greater choice, independence and control over how they live their own lives.
Now over 25 years old, Outward is a registered charity and part of The Newlon Group. We provide care and support services across North, East and South London to support a range of vulnerable people towards improved choice and greater independence, including:
Those who have experienced street homelessness
Young people in housing need - including those leaving care
Older people who need support and care
People with learning disabilities
Those with Autism Spectrum Disorders
People with Mental Health problems
We employ over 300 staff and support over 850 vulnerable adults within their communities. We are committed to providing quality care and support to those who need it - everything we do is underpinned by a core philosophy of tailoring support to meet individual need.
Supporting people is our core business - our services include Residential Care Schemes, Supported Living Schemes and Outreach and Floating Support Services. We support over 850 people across the North and East London Boroughs and are regulated by Supporting People and The Quality Care Commission
The level of support varies from service to service but our underlying ethos of tailoring support to meet individual need and involving our customers in how their services are run is common throughout them all. Our services for people with Learning Disabilities are regulated by Supporting People and The Quality Care Commission.
Registered Care Homes:
We have 6 Registered Care Homes that vary in size and level of service. Some of our homes are gender specific, whilst others support people with specific needs, such as mobility issues or challenging behaviour.
Independent Living Schemes
Our support packages are tailored to meet individual need and provide a genuine alternative to residential care for people who want to live more independently. Support packages range from a few hours per week to twenty-four hours per day.
Outreach Services
Our Outreach services provide a needs led service to support people within their own communities, but they also actively work with people to prevent social isolation. Outreach customers are able to engage with many activities set up by Outward, these include gardening, photography and arts groups, volunteering or even organising some of our social events.
Specialist ASD Services
Established in 2006, our Autism Spectrum Disorder provides consistent, responsive support and development to those on the Autistic Spectrum - including those with Aspergers Syndrome. The service brings specialist knowledge and practices to supporting and working with people towards managing change, developing independent living skills or increased community involvement.