Our Cultures C.I.C (Community Interest Company) is helping people from different countries to understand each other better through visual communication and cross-cultural interactions to increase social cohesion and collaboration between diverse communities.
It is promoting the culture and values of the majority to minority ethnic communities and vice versa. Also, stimulating cultural dialogues, mutual understanding and social integration among the majority and minority ethnic communities.
Our Cultures is inspiring cross-cultural interactions and helping minority ethnic communities to integrate and fully participate in the host society.
We are also working in partnership with other organisations to seek solutions to barriers and problems encountered by minority ethnic communities and majorities related to each other.
So far we are learning about a culture through a month which is finalised by an evening on the given culture. There is a presentation held after which we watch a film or a documentary discussed later on usually with representatives from the culture.
Recently we have started to be exploring six major religions in Sheffield together with their leaders. The project is predominantly focused on local population and anyone interested to increase their understanding towards people from other countries/religions.
The other regular event are our guided hiking sessions which are getting popular especially the workshops we are running with them such photography, drawing lessons, yoga, Thai-chi, meditation etc. This project is focused on people from other countries to help them understand the local history, culture and the interests of people living in UK.