Orchestras for All

Orchestras for All

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Education
  • Young people

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


We believe that all young people, regardless of who they are, where they come from or where they are on their musical journey, have the right to access the musical and social benefits of making music together.

We identify young people who lack opportunities to access ensemble music-making and have shown a dedication to music in the face of challenging circumstances. We equip music leaders with the skills, resources and networks to establish inclusive ensemble music-making opportunities and, in the long-term, cultivate a culture of music-making in their community. We collaborate with young people, music leaders, professional musicians and cultural venues to create exciting, innovative and inspiring events and performances around the UK, that express the identities of the young people we work with.


  • National Orchestra for All (NOFA): the only national non-auditioned youth orchestra of its kind, NOFA comprises 100 young people from across the UK who come together at residential courses over a nine-month season to learn, create, rehearse and perform high quality ensemble music.
  • Modulo supports under-resourced schools and community groups to set up and run ensembles, regardless of musical skill level or instruments available, and provides opportunities to perform alongside professional musicians as large-scale orchestras.
  • Music Leadership Training trains music teachers and community music leaders in inclusive ensemble leadership skills through online training and face-to-face workshops.

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