OpenUp Music empowers young disabled musicians to build inclusive youth orchestras. Together we develop accessible musical instruments and repertoire, challenge expectations and forge new progression routes through the creation of great music.
We have two main programmes:
Open Orchestras supports Music Education Hubs, arts organisations and schools to create orchestras that are accessible to young disabled people.
Our comprehensive package of resources and training provides everything needed to create and deliver an Open Orchestra.
Launching in September 2018, the National Open Youth Orchestra (NOYO) will be the world’s first disabled-led national youth orchestra.
NOYO will provide an inclusive progression route, to support the development of the UK’s most talented young disabled people. It will also be open to non-disabled young people, providing an innovative and ambitious musical context for everyone. NOYO musicians will be empowered to radically redefine the idea of ‘The Orchestra’ – inspiring new musical instruments and creating new musical forms for the 21st century.