One Trust

One Trust

At a glance


  • Learning disabilities / difficulties

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Geographical remit: 


Our work is to provide leading edge services, opportunities, therapies, and respite, to people with profound and multiple learning disability and their family carers.  We strive to offer a safe, proactive and flexible service offering that enables recipients to reach their full potential and live fulfilling lives.

One Trust specialises in working with adults that have complex needs, so those with profound and multiple learning disability, autistic spectrum disorder, complex physical and sensory impairment, people with dual diagnosis, those requiring positive behavioural support and individuals with complex health needs.


One Trust provides a range of support, therapies, activities, resources and interventions.  These are aimed at supporting regular involvement with everyday community resources, however this is often a difficult proposition for many of those using the service, therefore we also provide a range of building based provision that is specialised and not readily available elsewhere.

Currently One Trust has a complex needs hub in Tooting, 3 social bases in Tooting, Southfields and Putney.  The service also makes use of the Inclusion Centre in Sutton, the use of this site has enabled One Trust to add hydrotherapy to its service offering. 

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