Older People's Advocacy Alliance (OPAAL) UK

Older People's Advocacy Alliance (OPAAL) UK

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Human rights
  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Our aim is a vibrant, independent advocacy sector working collaboratively to improve older people's lives.

Our objectives are: to change older people's lives for the better by influencing policy; promoting quality and shared learning; creating partnerships for change; recruiting community volunteers; developing and delivering training.

OPAAL is a membership organisation. We work with our members to improve the lives of older people through the provision of advocacy. Advocacy means providing a voice for the voiceless, supporting them to make choices about things that matter in their lives, helping them to regain control when life deals them a crippling blow, and supporting them to make decisions about the help and support they need to maintain independence and lead full and rewarding lives.


Working with our members we make older people's lives better by:

  • offering one to one support on any issue of concern wherever and whenever the older person needs it 
  • listening to and then acting on older people's concerns
  • complaining on behalf of older people when services fall short of desired outcomes
  • improving older people's material health and wellbeing
  • using older people's stories on film and in publications to drive improvement in services
  • creating space for older people to influence key decision makers by talking to them about their lived experience of services

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