At a glance


  • Campaigning
  • Children / families
  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Criminal justice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Human rights
  • Local / community
  • Social care
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain



The NWG is a charitable organisation formed as a UK network of over 14 500 practitioners who disseminate our information down through their services, to professionals working on the issue of child sexual exploitation (CSE) and trafficking within the UK. Our network covers voluntary and statutory services and private companies working in this field. We offer support, advice and raise the profile, provide updates, training, share national developments, influence


  • To provide a network for projects or organisations concerned with the sexual exploitation and/or modern slavery of young people.
  • To provide links into current research, policy and project developments within the field and offer opportunity for examples of improving and developing practice to be shared and discussed.
  • To encourage co-ordination of different approa


  • To develop an appropriate support network for services working with young people at risk of or experiencing sexual exploitation and/or Modern slavery.
  • To enable the network to be heard as a collective group of projects and organisations working in the field of sexual exploitation and/or Modern slavery.


For NWG members:

* Specialist seminars looking at the different aspects of CSE.

* Forums with special interest groups in the support of members.

* Master classes and bespoke training packages to members.

* Campaigning resource materials.

* Interactive discussion tools designed for group work with young people.

* Members surgery.

* Delivering campaigns including the 'see something say something campaign'

Response Unit:

A specialist team brought together to meet the needs of professionals tackling CSE.

* Health checks on local areas.

* Use of benchmarking tools for outlining impact.

* Register of professionals who can be called upon in CSE cases.

* Dedicated helpline to the team.

* Needs led response to the challenges of exploitation.

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