Northamptonshire Rape Crisis

Northamptonshire Rape Crisis

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Counselling / advice
  • Criminal justice
  • Men
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 


We work to reduce isolation, stigma and discrimination through our awareness campaigns and work in educational settings.  Through our frontline work, we know that sexual violence survivors often struggle with feelings of shame, guilt and self-blame that can make it difficult to talk to anyone about their experiences. Survivors also often fear that others will blame them or that they won't be believed. Sexual violence myths can reinforce these feelings and fears.  We are committed to dispelling myths and raising awareness and understanding of sexual violence, as well as providing services to survivors. Our aim in this is to help to create a wider environment in which survivors feel safe and confident to seek the support and justice they need, want and deserve, as well as to reduce, prevent and ultimately end sexual violence


  • To relieve the distress and trauma of women, men and children who have suffered sexual abuse, rape, incest, and domestic abuse and of the non-offending families of such persons who are in need of support and encouragement
  • To promote community education and research in the subject of rape, sexual abuse, incest, and domestic abuse and the effects thereof whether physical, medical, psychological or social and to disseminate the useful results thereof


In order to achieve these aims, our activities are focused on the provision of face to face Counselling, Telephone Support and Group Work.  Our counselling service is available to adults and children (14+) who have experienced sexual violence either recently or historically and is available short or long term, from 6 to 26 sessions  Counselling is person centred with other approaches integrated as appropriate. We are also able to offer psychological or emotional support if a client is not yet ready for counselling, for example due to heavy psychological medication.

Our specialist helpline provides support for victims of interpersonal violence including victims of rape, stalking, sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, harassment, historic sexual abuse, forced marriage, honour based violence and sex trafficking. The helpline is available Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm and is staffed by a team of 5 specially trained counsellors.

In addition to counselling we also provide an ISVA (Independent Sexual Violent Advisor) advocacy service  for clients who need practical support  to access or engage with the Police, GP, Sexual Health Clinics, Family Planning, Courts Service and Mental Health Service as well as specialist women’s services such as Women’s Aid. This service is available to our clients whether or not they chose to report to the police.


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