Established in 1994, North Tyneside Carers' Centre is an independent charity which provides specialist practical and emotional support to carers living in the borough of North Tyneside. Our mission statement is 'To improve the quality of life for carers in North Tyneside.'At the point of taking on long term caring responsibilities for a relative or friend, many carers struggle alone without knowing their rights or that help is available to them. Caring often leads to multiple disadvantage with carers facing a life of poverty, isolation and ill health. When carers struggle to get the support they need, there is a strong chance that the disadvantages they face will become more severe.The grant will contribute towards making the following differences to carers who will as a result of our support:
We provide support to adult and young carers in the borough of North Tyneside. Carers provide unpaid support to a family member or friend who due to illness, disability, mental health or substance misuse could not manage without their support. Our main activities include:
We operate an information and advice helpline from Monday to Friday and a website to ensure that information and resources are readily available for carers. Our programme of training, peer support groups and activities and events are ongoing to ensure carers have weekly access to face to face support.For one to one emotional and family support our team of workers provide outcome focused support to meet the needs identified during a carer's initial assessment. They will provide weekly, fortnightly or monthly support as set out in the carer's support plan.We also offer monthly information and advice sessions at community venues around the borough and home visits where required.
North Tyneside Carers' Centre are looking for new trustees as we commence our new 5 year strategic cycle to improve the quality of life of unpaid...