Nehemiah Supporters Group

Nehemiah Supporters Group

At a glance


  • Education
  • Faith and ethics
  • International development
  • Poverty relief

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Geographical remit: 


The Nehemiah Supporters Group was formed and registered with the Charities Commission in the year 2000 to provide UK residents with a means to connect to the Land of Israel, the Jewish People, and especially for Christians, to connect with the roots of their faith.


The NSG raises support in the UK to distribute amongst poor and needy Jewish families who reside in the Land of Israel. We also work in close association with Above and Beyond, Ltd [CC], an Israel-registered Public Benefit Corporation based in Jerusalem. As a benefit of that association, the NSG is able to offer students of the Bible locally, within the UK, teachings from the Jewish Torah and New Testament translations, based on the earliest NT Greek manuscripts, through weekly LIVE on-line Webinar classrooms. We also provide books, audio teachings and translations of the NT in English, as well as presenting live-event lectures in the UK from time to time, to those who wish to study and learn about the Bible from a Jewish perspective, and from its original language of Hebrew.

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