Natural Neighbours boosts the health and wellbeing of city dwellers by connecting them with nature in their everyday lives where they live, work, learn and play. We do this by connecting, inspiring, and supporting urban communities, especially those most marginalised, to take accessible and effective actions in support of human-friendly wildlife. As local wildlife populations flourish, so too do their human neighbours.
We work with institutions like schools and community groups like estate TRAs to help local residents create and improve wildlife habitat in central 'hub' sites like playgrounds and estate communal lawns. In the process we inspire, skill and equip them to make similar creations and improvements in their personal and private outdoor spaces at home or work.
With our pioneering interactive map and app, we show how people can collaborate in supporting health-giving urban wildlife and share in its enjoyment, together and apart, wherever they are.
We deliver our activities in-person and online. In person, through inspiring demonstration events at 'hub' sites which engage and up-skill communities to take action for nature in their private and shared spaces. Online, through our pioneering interactive map and app, which makes recommendations around how to optimise spaces for a suite of 'poster-child' species groups selected by our expert panel of academics and ecologists. Uniquely, this advice, and the recommendations for what habitat features (e.g. bird boxes, container ponds and pollinator-friendly planting) to put where across the hub sites and private outdoor spaces of the neighbourhood, is informed by our community-generated map of what features already exist in the surrounding area. This allows our communities to collaborate as social networks most efficiently and effectively creating ecological networks of vital wildlife habitat and, as a result, transforming their area into health-giving urban wildlife hotspots.
Help us develop and deliver our fundraising strategy, covering some, any or all of high-net-worth individual philanthropy, trust and grant funding...