National Institute of Economic and Social Research

National Institute of Economic and Social Research

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  • Climate action
  • Education

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To understand the economic and social issues that most affect people’s lives and to propose better policy responses.

The Institute focuses on the fundamental questions affecting society today.  We connect powerful global economic and social forces to their impact on households and markets, sectors and regions across the UK and overseas.  We deploy our convening power for policymakers, academics, the media, and other research institutes – from our Westminster base – to bring about better policy.


  • Developing new monetary, fiscal and financial frameworks and analysis to support robust growth and shared prosperity
  • Forecasting the UK and the global economy, based on our frontier modelling capabilities, to assess and shape policy making at the highest levels
  • Modelling the effects of climate change on the global economy, with an increasing focus on the importance of natural capital, to inform climate policies around the world
  • Analysing regional economies to foster regeneration, using our microsimulation models, and drawing out insights to rebalance the UK’s economy
  • Understanding wage and employment patterns, with an emphasis on skills mismatches and labour-market interventions, to support policy design that maximise ‘good’ employment
  • Analysing social, economic and demographic factors that shape lifetime outcomes, notably by evaluating, and building recommendations based on, the role of educational interventions and the experiences of vulnerable groups
  • Analysing productivity drivers and prospects for the UK and its regions, including the role of trade and FDI, in order to improve policies for future prosperity

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