National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs

National Association of Laryngectomee Clubs

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Physical disabilities

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


NALC was formed in 1975 to promote the rehabilitation of people who have had a laryngectomy, which means their voice box is removed, usually due to cancer of the larynx. We do so by providing information and support to laryngectomees and their families and carers before and after their operation. Every laryngectomee will need to find a new method of speech. They will also be vulnerable with their altered state, breathing through a hole (stoma) in their neck, when receiving medical care or around water.


We have over 60 affiliated support groups around the UK. Our members meet with patients in hospital or in clinics before and after their operation. Meetings of our groups enable patients and carers to share experiences about managing life as a neckbreather.

We publish a quarterly newsletter, with a circulation of over 3000, to advise patients and carers of new developments and to share experiences. Information is also provided via our website and social media, including a YouTube channel and twitter account.

We supply information packs to hospital trusts that they use with their patients, preparing them for what a laryngectomy involves. The packs are also used in universities, hospitals and with the emergency services in staff training events. Larynegctomees are vulnerable in emergency situations and resuscitation needs oxygen to be delivered to the stoma and not the mouth or nose.

Our office in London provides a resource, via telephone, for a variety of professionals such as care home staff as well as patients and their families, all of whom may be facing problems beyond their previous experience.

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