Our Vision Myton Hospice believes everyone across Coventry and Warwickshire should live well towards the end of their life and have the right to a good, natural death, the way they want it to be and with their loved ones supported.
Our Mission The Myton team provide high quality specialist care to people whose condition no longer responds to curative treatment, from diagnosis to death. We aim to meet their physical, psychological, spiritual and social needs and ensure their families are supported both through and after this difficult time. We are committed to training, supporting and encouraging other care providers to practise good palliative care.
Our Strategy Myton launched its new five year strategy in 2015 after wide consultation with patients and families, staff and volunteers and a wide variety of stakeholders from across the community. The five strategic aims we set ourselves are:
1. Develop a truly person-centred approach
2. Widen access (and equity of access) to Myton
3. Increase our provision and extend our reach
4. Build our influence
5. Strengthen our financial position and the sustainability of our offer as a high quality provider The aims, objectives and activities of the charity are reviewed each year. This review looks at what we have achieved and the outcomes of our work in the previous 12 months. The review helps to ensure the charity remains focused on our stated purpose. We have referred to the guidance contained in the Charity Commission’s general guidance on public benefit when reviewing our aim and objectives and in planning our future activities.
Our Charitable activities are focused on offering free care and support to patients and their families from the moment they receive a diagnosis that their illness is incurable. Referrals are accepted from a variety of sources and places allocated according to clinical need. We work closely with a range of health care professionals to ensure that the maximum benefits for the patients and the people that they love are achieved.