MRS Independent Living

MRS Independent Living

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Older people / later life
  • Physical disabilities

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MRS Independent Living is a well-established user-led charity working in North East London with older people and people with disabilities. We are a flexible and dynamic organisation that is rooted in the needs of older and disabled people and committed to helping them maintain their independence. We value innovation and seek to develop responsive, evidence-based services and projects that meet unmet needs and provide practical support. 


Our services support older and disabled people to live independently and with dignity and choice. Currently our services include:

  • Staying Steady - a community-based falls prevention programme
  • Making Room - a therapeutic decluttering programme for people who hoard
  • Peer Support - reducing isolation amongst older men
  • Side by Side - advice and practical help to solve problems
  • Digital Confidence - helping older people become more confident using digital technology
  • Minor Adaptations - assisting occupational therapists with provision of rails and other equipment (Islington only)

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