MOWLL is a Liverpool grown organisation committed to the rights and social inclusion of people who often endure isolation which may render them vulnerable to discrimination and hate crime, particularly those with learning disabilities and enduring mental health issues (self-advocates).
We are a person focussed organisation delivering projects to improve personal and professional development through skills building, health and well being projects, training and social events. We deliver short programmes to help individuals develop personally and professionally and improve their chances in being proactive, safe and respected in their community.
We deliver a range of innovative projects and services that enable people to participate, progress and engage with a wide spectrum of social, employment and educational opportunities. Many of our services are delivered in partnership with Peer Advocates (previous self advocates who have completed programmes delivered by MOWLL and become volunteers with the organisation).
MOWLL is uniquely based within but independent of the Department of Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology at the University of Liverpool. However we deliver a number of services and activities from the community centres and hubs in the north and south of Liverpool. These include creative workshops in music, art, photography and currently sewing. We also deliver preventative health projects including drama- therapy sessions, cooking skills, gym based activities and walking groups.
We run regular programmes and drop in workshops in IT, enabling technology and digital awareness.
We support national campaigns to reduce hate crime by delivering awareness workshops in disability hate crime awareness to organisations across the city and beyond. We also deliver disability equality awareness to future professionals including student social workers, nurses, medics and occupational therapists.
Through a combination of targeted in-house activities and support to access community activities and volunteering opportunities, self advocates (people we support)tell us that their confidence and value as individuals grow, and their voices matter in terms of making real life choices.