MooreSkills (formally known as TillSkills) was set up by the determination of Ralph Moore who wanted to offer people a chance to enhance their skills and education, despite the lack of opportunities they had in the area.
What made us unique at the time was that we were able to provide EPOS training which gave people a better chance at getting employment in the retail sector. This is something that we still do to this day.
The charity was originally founded in 2007 in which it had its first training course, where we enjoyed our first volunteers. In the next few years more volunteers joined us and many are still a part of our team today. In 2010 we became a registered charity and a registered company.
We now have two part-time members of staff who also share the desire to help people get back into work and who started with MooreSkills as Volunteers. There are approximately eleven volunteers including the Charity Trustee Directors.
In Spring 2014, TillSkills made the decision to start operating under the name MooreSkills to reflect the ever changing market that it operates in. Though the charity would officially still be TillSkills Ltd.
Till Training
Basic Computer Course
Job Club
CV Support
Drop In IT Suite
Life in Motion