Midlothian Play Base

Midlothian Play Base

At a glance


  • Education
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


Midlothian Play Base is a non-profit charitable organisation working in partnership with Midlothian Council.

Through an annual membership child care providers and professionals can access good quality educational resources aimed to support and extend a child's learning through play experiences. Our membership base serves children's developmental age from birth to 10 years.

Our Aims:

• Provide quality resources to improve the learning through play opportunities and experiences of children

• Provide quality resources to support a child's cognitive, emotional, social and physical development through play

• Provide a range of appropriate educational resources to staff working with children

• Provide an inclusive service of good quality educational resources through an affordable membership fee structure

We aim to support the Scottish government's vision and objectives : "Every child has the best start in life ready to succeed" and " high quality play opportunities in every community"


We currently have over two thousand resources available to childcare professionals or organisations within Midlothian. We work with Midlothian Council, Midlothian Library Services and Partenrship Teachers to ensure our resources extend learning. Furthermore, resources are intended to fulfil the Experiences and Outcomes within the Curriculum for Excellence.

Resources are also updated to take into account local need, for example, at present within Midlothian and nationally numeracy is a priority in the early years. Play Base has worked in partnership with the Partnership teachers to develop/adapt numeracy resources to fulfil this requirement of improved numeracy within the area.

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