Middleton Hall Trust

Middleton Hall Trust

At a glance


  • Gardens and parks
  • Museums / heritage

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - England


Middleton Hall Trust preserves important stories about historical figures in the local community as far back as the 13th century, and provides a visitor attraction which is reasonably priced and suitable for the whole family. We provide opportunities for local people to volunteer in our 18th century walled garden, our 32 acre Site of Special scientific interest and  also interact with our visitors who look round the Hall.

Volunteers value the social contact with other volunteers and staff, preserve some of the skills they developed whilst at work and improve their confidence by  developing new talents such as taking guided tours, developing new exhibitions and restoring ancient gardens.


Middleton Hall Trust manages a grade 2* listed building with a walled garden and SSSI grounds. The Hall and Grounds  were restored from ruins by volunteers  30 years  ago, and now relies on volunteers to maintain and develop the heritage offering for the benefit of the wider public and local communities. 

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