MESH Community Cohesion Services

MESH Community Cohesion Services

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Children / families
  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Education
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community

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Geographical remit: 


MESH provides mediation services in Sheffield and the region. Mediation works by using impartial helpers (mediators) to build communication and understanding where relationships have broken down so that it has become difficult to talk. Mediators give people the chance to be listened to. They can pass messages between parties who are in conflict and help people find ways of achieving solutions that suit all sides.

Mediation works by allowing control of the mediation process to stay with the people involved. Participation in a mediation process is voluntary. We find that in talking about the problems that they are experiencing and by listening to how the people they are in dispute with feel, people are often able to find solutions to their difficulties that are acceptable to everybody


MESH provides a mediation service - chiefly for neighbour disputes which are referred by Sheffield, Rotherham and Chesterfield councils. The referrals have to have at least one council tenant in the neighbour dispute in Rotherham and Sheffield. We train volunteers who then mediate these disputes.  We also offer mediation in workplace and family based disputes. We also provide training for people and organisations who want to know more about mediation. 

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