Mary Stevens Hospice delivers high quality, specialist and holistic care for adults with life-limiting illness, their families and carers’ who live in the Metropolitan Borough of Dudley and surrounding areas.
Our hospice provides a safe, compassionate environment, peopled by highly-skilled, local staff with time to listen, advise and create personalised, holistic programmes of care. Such care will encompass emotional and practical support, help reduce symptoms of illness and the side effects of treatment. Care is provided in the newly refurbished private facilities within our 10-bed Inpatient Unit, at the Day Services Centre or at home.
Mary Stevens Hospice care is provided free of charge to all adults who need our support. More than 80% of the £2.5 million annual running costs is paid for by donations, legacies and funds raised by Trustees, staff, dedicated volunteers and supporters from a compassionate community. This means that 4 out of 5 patients care is paid for through fundraising and donations.
Together we ensure that the care we provide:
• In the hospice or at home is free
• Relieves pain, stress and suffering
• Is personalised to each individuals needs
Mary Stevens Hospice has a team of skilled staff, experienced in palliative care, dedicated to helping patients, not only with practical nursing care, but also the spiritual and emotional support which is so invaluable. We help adults of any age cope with the impact of progressive, life limiting illness.
£2.2million is needed to run the Hospice this year, mainly funded by voluntary donations