The world is transforming at an alarming rate, sometimes it is impossible to keep it.
According to the Office for National Statistics Men account for 8 out of 10 people cautioned by the police, and nearly 9 out of 10 people found guilty of indictable offences are men. Men are responsible for 97% of burglary and 92% of violence against the person.
We are living in a society where something awful is happening to men. There seems to be a gap between manhood and adolescence and our mission at Manhood Academy Global is to address that gap by helping our sons make that transition from childhood to manhood.
"If you do not initiate the boy into the village he will burn it down just to feel the warmth" African saying
Manhood Academy Global (M.A.G.) is a registered charity with a global reach committed to providing life-changing transformation opportunities for...