At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Older people / later life

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Geographical remit: 


MAECare (Moor Allerton Elderly Care) was formed in 1995 by Churches Together in Moor Allerton and Shadwell. In 2008 we became independent.

Our goals are:

  • To improve the quality of life for local older people who are over 60 regardless of religion, belief, race, disability, gender or sexual orientation.
  • To act as a link to existing services and seek to address unmet needs.
  • To treat each older person as an individual with the right to make his/her own choices and be as independent as possible.
  • To accept and value each individual older person, volunteer and employee.

We help through a variety of services including; groups and activities, training, fitness, health and wellbeing, advocacy, home visiting, matching, intergenerational work, digital support and training, lending technology, dementia support, support for carers, events, social groups and activities, legal advice and more. 


We organise a wide range of activities right across the local area to encourage people to get out and about, allow them to meet new people and engage in enjoyable activities; whatever their interests. We organise both regular activities such as our creative writing  or singing group as well as special events such as our recent afternoon tea. We also recognise that transport can often be a major obstacle so we aim to offer to all of our activities.

Making a Match

Making a Match is a new Big Lottery funded project MAECare are delivering in conjunction with OPAL. It aims to help people aged 50+ living in LS16 or LS17 who can live independently to widen their social circle by matching them with someone with a similar interest so they can build a sustainable friendship over that interest.

57a is our new activities centre and lots of our groups meet here. If you are not sure where we are give us a ring.

  • CAMEO group for people who can’t get out and about as much because of physical disability such as visual impairment, stroke or other illnesses. 

The group enjoys a range of activities including competitive games of boccia, crafts, speakers, outings and socialising.

  • Thursday Club 
  • Creative Writing 
  • Companions in Concert – this group organises theatre and concert trips.
  • Singing – this group is for anyone no matter what their ability and combines a sing-along with sharing memories. 
  • Men’s Den – news and views, life as a mature man, hobbies and interests, sports and games. 
  • Carer’s Group

People often talk very openly about how they feel physically, but sometimes we hesitate to share how we’re doing emotionally. Knowing that both sides are very important for overall health, MAECare’s Mind and Body Project encourages people to take care of themselves and seek support when they need it. Our current activities are shown below.

  • EXTEND this is adapted gentle exercise to music, which can be done standing or sitting. 
  • Chair based Exercise Offering gentle exercise and stretching to music
  • Yoga – this is Dru Yoga adapted for older people with a strong meditative element. 
  • Swimming at David Lloyd Centre. 
  • Zumba Gold 
  • Walking Group (Social Strollers) The walking group meets twice a month in Summer to walk around local beauty spots.
  • Methods for Relaxation Stress or worry getting you down? MAECare has lots of ways to unwind while also meeting new friends.
    • Mindfulnes Mindfulness is an approach which aims to relax the mind and body by focussing on the present moment. 
    • Knitting A fun and friendly therapeutic group. We can teach if you want to learn and we have plenty of materials to get you started! 
    • Massage Low-cost massage treatments, twice a month. 
  • A listening ear It sometimes just helps to have someone to talk to. If you ever want any one-on-one support from a friendly staff member or volunteer, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
  • Tai Chi
  • Digital inclusion sessions and training
  • Penpals
  • Readers group

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