Lovey Foundation (UK) - reg. charity no. 1191631 (England and Wales)
At Lovey Foundation (UK) we believe that all children, no matter how poor, should have access to a basic education. Every year we raise funds to help young people in Bawku Municipal District, Upper East Ghana to go to school, especially by providing the uniforms and equipment they need to attend primary school. We work closely with our partner organisation in Bawku to distribute these essentials to the children and ensure that they are supported through their primary education.
Our partner organisation in Ghana, Lovey Save Child Workers Foundation, was founded in 2013 by Thomas Aruk Lateef, a teacher who was concerned about the children he saw in the locality of his school in Bawku, north eastern Ghana, engaged in manual labour rather than attending school. On investigation he learned it was because their parents could not afford school uniforms or basic equipment. Thomas set up the Foundation, establishing support from Yaa Asare (a UK resident who was lecturing in Ghana) and Michael Miller from the Church of the Good Shepherd, Brighton. Since this time, significant funds have been raised in the UK to provide children in Bawku with the uniforms and equipment they need to attend school.
In 2016 Lovey Foundation (UK) was formally established in Brighton as a Community Based Organisation. Our current constitution was adopted on 2 November 2019 and in October 2020 we became a registered charity. Since 2013, as a result of UK fundraising, 377 children have been supplied with the basic equipment (uniforms, sandals, bags, notebooks and pencils) they need to attend school. We need the continued support of the public in the UK so that future cohorts of children in a part of Ghana which is mainly engaged in subsistence agriculture can access the life-changing opportunity that a basic education offers.
Lovey Foundation (UK) has so far raised funds and awareness as follows:
Sponsorship of
(a) an Executive Committee member in two 10k road races and a televised 70 miles in a month solo run (aged 70),
(b) another Executive Committee member, who had her head shaved - 'Locks Down' - and
(c) four friends of the charity who kayaked the length of the River Thames.
Being good cause of the month in a parish in Haywards Heath, including a silent auction.
Illustrated talks to the public and voluntary private organisations - so far, at the Brighton Fringe Festival and, in Sussex, at meetings of five church and secular societies and at the annual performance by a community choir for friends and families.
Two concerts at a church in Cuckfield and three at a Brighton church.
A Caribbean supper at a Brighton church hall followed by a performance by two internationally renowned poets.
The sale of Christmas cards in 2020, 2021 and 2022, and Easter cards in 2022.
Supporters can name us as their chosen charity on smile.Amazon, so any purchases they make through them will automatically generate small payments to us, at no additional cost to the supporters.
Secretary and trustee needed for small UK based charity working to alleviate poverty in North East Ghana by supporting children into school.