LTEN’s aim is to enhance the sustainability of organisations based in London, concerned with economic and social inclusion. LTEN submits bids for funding for projects that will support unemployed people into training and work. It establishes partnerships of voluntary organisations based in local communities, provides training in meeting outcomes and provides support throughout the lifetime of a project. Small community organisations are able to access funding so that they can work with those most in need in their local area.
LTEN is currently working on rojects funding by London Councils, European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund and Big Lottery Funding. The projects include:
Steps in to Work, which targets BAME groups, women, the homeless, those with drug and alcohol problems and mental health conditions
Inspiring Enterprise and Growth provides specialist assistance and business support for potential entrepreneurs and small, medium and social enterprises in London
RAISE, Refugee Advice, information & Support into Employment which aims to support at least 200 refugees and equip them with skills and competences to improve their work readiness