London Borough of Culture 2020

London Borough of Culture 2020

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Children / families
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Museums / heritage
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


London Borough of Culture (LBOC) 2020 will be a year-long collaborative cultural programme, looking into our past, present and future. Delivered by a broad, genuine and lasting partnership, everyone in Brent will have the chance to shape what happens next.

Support local creativity and imagination: We pledge that Brent LBOC 2020 will support local people in developing and sharing their own cultural creativity. We will support local creativity and imagination throughout Brent.

Tell Brent’s story: We pledge that Brent LBOC 2020 will proudly and loudly tell Brent’s diverse and varied cultural story to our residents, to the rest of London and beyond

Support young people: We pledge that young people will be at the heart of Brent LBOC 2020.

Demonstrate that the council takes culture to heart: We pledge that Brent Council will make developing and valuing culture an integral part of everything we do.


LBOC 2020 will be a year-long collaborative cultural programme looking into our past, present and future. It will be driven and shaped by the ideas and energy of the borough’s young people. We will work with artists, filmmakers, theatres, policymakers, young people, community groups, journalists and others to explore how culture is defined and valued by people in Brent and the relationship between power, people and institutions in a place.

2020 is the first year we will no longer be part of the EU and the eyes of Europe and the UK will be on us while Wembley Stadium hosts the UEFA Euro 2020 Semi Final and Finals. We want to look at the role of culture in a post-Brexit uncertain landscape and show what a united diverse community looks like, and what it needs to thrive. Through a year-long programme of events and projects about Brent’s heritage, about its people and stories, LBOC 2020 will celebrate everything that's special, intriguing and ground-breaking about this incredible corner of London and invite people who don't know Brent to discover it in 2020.

The Brent LBOC 2020 programme will be curated around four core questions: Where are we? Where have we come from? How do we live? Where are we going?

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