Little Gems is a new charity that helps children with mobility needs. Primarily children that need powerchairs, manual chairs, or standing frames. Often the parent's world is turned upside down following a diagnosis of a disablility in their child. There is a lot to take in, and the information is scattered across many different organisations.
The first aim of Little Gems is to bring all this information together as a central resource primariliy through its website. Although there are approximately 40 charities providing information and equipment funding for these families, not one of them can provide a concise, comprehensive database of powerchairs, manual wheelchairs & standing frames. This results in the child not necessarily receiving the best solution for their needs. By getting the right solution to the child, first time, money isn't wasted on buying the wrong solution. More importantly though, the child gets to explore their world in the best piece of equipment for them.
Additionally, the charity will provide information on funding sources, other charities and organisations that can help, and shows and exhibitions where they can see equipment first hand.
The second aim of Little Gems is to help children to get mobile quicker through the 'Fast & Free Loan Scheme'. There is often a waiting time of up to 18 months for a child to get their wheelchair. We want to provide a chair that they can use for free in the meantime, on the 'Fast & Free' Loan scheme. This will require a great deal of fundraising activity, so will only be launched when funds allow.
The third and final aim of Little Gems is to improve equipment that children have to use through the 'BIG Ideas for Little Ones' scheme. The problem is that in the large companies that make these pieces of specialist equipment, it is often hard to get feedback to the designers. This means that equipment can have a design flaw, and go on causing problems for the child and their family indefinitely. BIG Ideas for Little Ones will bring together parents, professionals, designers, and the children, to work together to find solutions to these equipment issues. Little Gems will then present its findings to the manufacturers, and if they adopt the solutions suggested, Little Gems would negotiate to receive funds back to the charity so it can continue its work. We want to achieve as many of these aims as possible, without the need for a large team of paid staff. This way, we can direct most of the funds we have to these 3 primary aims. Your help will be invaluable in achiving this aim.
Little Gems will provide a concise information database on equipment for children with mobility needs. When funds allow it will also help to provide a mobility solution to children while they wait for their permanent solution. Also it will bring together to combined knowledge of parents, professionals and children to improve the equipment they use.