Little Fish Theatre CIC

Little Fish Theatre CIC

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


Little Fish Theatre Company produces high-quality innovative theatre productions and drama based intervention projects for disadvantaged young people in south London. Through its activities, it aims to challenge social injustice and inspire personal and community growth and change.

Little Fish works in partnership with a variety of agencies including voluntary organisations, schools, local education authorities, local borough councils, youth offending teams, drug action teams, youth and social services. It currently reaches more than 6000 young people per year.  Over the last 5 years, our projects have addressed a wide range of issues including peer on peer sexual exploitation, grooming, drugs education, self-esteem, sexual health, citizenship, youth crime, anti-social behaviour and conflict resolution. These projects were delivered in a variety of settings including primary and secondary schools, pupil referral units, youth offending teams and secure units, youth clubs and community venues for young people. 


Little Fish focuses its service delivery and core activities into three key areas: 

•        Arts Intervention Initiatives: Creative approaches to delivering intensive intervention strategies for young people, young offenders and youth ‘at risk’.

•        Young People’s Theatre (YPT): Educative, issue-based theatre productions and workshops for young people delivered in community settings – schools, pupil referral units, youth offending teams.

•        Action Research Projects: Long term, detailed, arts based projects combining research, delivery and evaluation to explore issues and methodologies of delivery around issues relevant to the lives and well-being of young people and specifically those ‘at risk’.  

Recent/current projects include:

Learning4Life (Big Lottery 2017-20) building life skills through a specialist Personal, Social, Health Education intervention for 350 young people a year who have complex needs including learning & behavioural issues. Southwark.

Embrace (Esmee Fairbairn 2017-20) developing a group work model and training resources to support 180 young men displaying sexually harmful behaviour towards themselves and others. Southwark and Wandsworth.

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