Our vision is to be the spark that makes Liverpool 13 a better place to live and work, creating positive impacts that are felt by local people, businesses and others outside our neighbourhood. We currently provide Childcare and family support services but are currently up scaling our operations to offer more holistic services to our community. A key element of this vision is the relocation of our services into a Grade 11 former library building establishing a financially sustainable heritage, cultural, community, business and training centre.
Tuebrook is one of the most deprived areas in Liverpool and the people we support experience disadvantage and social exclusion.
High levels of deprivation are reflected in extremely high levels of worklessness, low levels of educational attainment, low household incomes, poverty, shorter life expectancy, and high and increasing levels of crime. There are also higher numbers of lone parent households than in Liverpool as a whole and nationally, and almost a third (31%) of households have someone with a long-term health problem or disability.
We currently provide Full day nursery care and out of school childcare to support working parents, those in training or further education. We provide a number of places to children in need and work with Liverpool Disabled Children's Services and Social Care to provide support to families in need of additional services.
Upon relocation we will offer room hire to other charitable organisations, support for enterprise and facilities for local people to meet, socialise, learn new skills and volunteer.