LiFE Multi Academy Trust

LiFE Multi Academy Trust

At a glance


  • Education

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Organisation type: 
Educational body
Geographical remit: 



We have a compelling desire to provide high quality, personalised and rounded education for everyone, right in the heart of our local community. We believe that no school can be deemed successful unless all those around it are also successful, popular and flourishing. Hence, we believe that dynamic, mutually accountable collaboration and challenge between local schools as members of the LiFE MAT is the cornerstone of our future success.

Each of our schools needs to be seen as a leader of, and vital to, its local community; each school is regarded as fundamental to the identity of its surrounding community. In this capacity we will relentlessly promote the values of inclusion and the celebration of diversity, alongside personal responsibility and respect.


  • Ensuring that every student achieves positive, life changing outcomes
  • Providing a whole education: academic excellence co-existing with an exceptional commitment to activity beyond the school gate
  • The relentless pursuit of excellence by; expecting this of every person, every day; recognising and celebrating behaviours that lead to great progress and promoting and celebrating elite performance inside school and in the wider world
  • Valuing and promoting the celebration and understanding of diversity and qualities of our staff and students
  • Ensuring that all students and staff feel known, appreciated and supported
  • Committing whole-heartedly to collaboration within, between and beyond our academies
  • Ensuring our curricula are agents for the promotion of our values


LiFE MAT Charter

All our schools work within the LiFE Operating Model. We work together in a genuinely collaborative way and we also celebrate the strengths and individuality of each of our schools. This operating model can be distilled into the following principles to which all our schools subscribe.

  • We commit to the principle of genuine collaboration to find evidence led and innovative ways to enhance the efficacy of learning, leadership, engagement and aspiration.
  • We aspire to offer an educational experience which is inspirational, innovative and delivers integrity in adults and children.
  • We embrace the notion of mutual accountability: no individual, team or school can feel they are successful unless all individuals, teams and schools are successful. We consequently commit whole-heartedly to peer review which precipitates peer support.
  • We embrace the power of trust wide professional development, and therefore contributing as well as benefiting from that professional development.
  • We coordinate calendars to allow maximum benefit from Trust wide opportunities.
  • We encourage, create time for, and inspire our best teachers, support staff, and leaders to work for the benefit of our schools within the Trust.
  • We commit to providing the Trust board with timely, coordinated, accurate and appropriate data and information about our schools to allow for the best possible deployment of resources.
  • We commit to providing a curriculum and an approach to pedagogy that is irresistible, inclusive and aspirational. We commit to recognising the head, hand and heart in equal measure. We recognise the importance of personalisation, and the importance of each child feeling known, celebrated and cared for. We commit to ensuring our curriculum foregrounds the understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity, social injustice, protecting our environment and supporting our communities.
  • We make educational choices for our children driven by putting their needs, and those of their families and communities first.
  • We commit to an approach to ensuring the right learning behaviours based on building warm and caring relationships, and the importance of our children feeling known, heard, safe, loved, appreciated and cared for. We recognise that to achieve this we also need high expectations, consistency, and an understanding that negative behaviours hurt us all. We therefore understand there must be clearly articulated consequences where children fall short of our high expectations, but also support to help children behave with social conscience and uphold our values.
  • We commit to being a force for good and lead positive change within our community.
  • We commit to embracing and promoting diversity and the celebration of cultural differences. We recognise that to do this, we need to create safe spaces, where all aspects of social injustice can be discussed, addressed and challenged.
  • We recognise that our employees are our greatest resource, and consequently we commit to ensuring that all employees feel valued, supported and nurtured. We commit to sign the Mindful Employer Charter which recognises mental health needs alongside physical wellbeing.
  • We commit to operating inclusively in all we do; LiFE schools welcome and celebrate children from all backgrounds and with all forms of individual needs. We recognise that to do so, promotes social mobility, social cohesion and fights social injustice.

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