Lancashire Heritage (2018) CIC

Lancashire Heritage (2018) CIC

At a glance


  • Museums / heritage

Other details

Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 


Lancashire Heritage (2018) CIC was established by an enthusiastic group of volunteers to create a living, working museum on the site of a former brickworks in Hesketh Bank. The museum, which is called Becconsall, will use its collections and the site itself to engage with people from all walks of life and to present the stories of everyday life in Lancashire and the North West.


The CIC is working towards creating a viable, sustainable and appealing living museum that:

  • Presents the history of everyday life in Lancashire through the display and interpretation of artifacts, story-telling, activities, events and demonstrations – including family life, working life, transport, education, leisure and recreation.
  • Utilises, protects, enhances and promotes the natural qualities and significance of the site as a resource for education, recreation and the promotion of wellbeing.
  • Provides opportunities for learning, training and volunteering through links with local schools and colleges and the wider community.
  • Contributes to the local economy through the creation of employment opportunities and the attraction of visitors to the area.   
  • Offers an enjoyable, safe and informative visitor experience that enhances quality of life and wellbeing for visitors, employees and volunteers.
  • Generates genuine and lasting community engagement which encourages participation in the making and running of the museum and stimulates community pride in the area’s history.
  • Operates as an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible organisation that makes a positive contribution to and is valued by the local and wider community.

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