KM Charity Team

KM Charity Team

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Environment

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Geographical remit: 


The charity's objectives include the advancement of health for children and families through green travel and health and wellbeing activities; supporting the environment; improving the literacy skills of children and families; advancement of citizenship and community development by supporting school councils and community organisations; and the promotion of arts and science.


The registered charity KM Charity Team has been in operation for almost 20 years within Kent and trades as School Inspirational Services outside of its Kent heartland. It is a children's educational charity with extensive services to support literacy, road safety and green travel to school. Last academic year children and families using its services recorded 7.5 million minutes of reading, 700,000 green journeys to school, removed 318,000 school-run car journeys. 5,000 children took  a road safety skill test during the year. 

The charity also spreads best practice in the south east through its separate Kent and Sussex Teacher of the Year Awards, Kent Literacy Awards and Green School Awards.

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