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  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 
National - England


We are passionate about making a life changing difference to the lives of disabled children and young people along with their families.

We support over 8,000 disabled children, young people and their families every year by delivering around 125 services across England.

KIDS is unique; there is no other organisation dedicated to providing such an extensive range of services to disabled children and young people, aged 0-25 years, irrespective of their impairment or condition.


Our aim is to:

  • equip parents with extra skills and confidence to nurture and develop their disabled child
  • enable disabled children to have a happy childhood
  • support teenagers and young adults to develop practical, social and interpersonal skills, challenge discrimination and achieve their goals
  • provide parents with support and breaks from the pressures of caring for a disabled child
  • provide fun activities and support for siblings of disabled children and young carers
  • assist local authorities and other organisations in making their facilities accessible and welcoming to all disabled children and young people.

Our vision is a world in which all disabled children and young people realise their aspirations and their right to an inclusive community which supports them and their families.


We run vital, life changing services to disabled children and young people, aged 0-25 years, along with their families.

Our purpose is to enable children and young people with special education needs and disabilities to enjoy their lives and achieve their ambitions, whilst providing support and guidance to their families. 


Our services are categorised as:

Early Years

We work with babies and young children from birth to five years, encouraging them to play together and have fun whilst promoting motor skills and communication development. We also support parents to help them develop skills in caring for the needs of their child.

School Years

We provide services for children of school age that are either educationally based, purely play and leisure activities or a combination of both. Some also focus on providing respite for the family which can relieve the strain on the family and reduce stress on parents while giving the child or young person an opportunity to get away from the family home, enjoy new experiences.


Transition into adulthood

Our transitions services directly support young disabled people to make the transition from adolescence to adulthood: a time when a lot of the support they are able to receive may be coming to an end.


Family Support

We also provide support to the individuals who surround their children and young people, such as parents, carers, siblings and young carers through Keyworking, SEND IASSs (formally Parent Partnership Services) and SEN Mediation and Disagreement Resolution Services.


Promoting inclusion

We work to promote inclusion by providing training, information and support for professionals and organisations.

In delivering our services we often work in partnership with other organisations and charities. 

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