Keighley Healthy Living

Keighley Healthy Living

At a glance


  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Children / families
  • Counselling / advice
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Men
  • Older people / later life
  • Poverty relief
  • Women

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


KHL is a registered charity based in Keighley, which delivers and supports a range of initiatives that aim to tackle health inequalities, improve health and well-being and reduce social isolation across the local community. We work across Keighley and the surrounding areas with people all ages and backgrounds.


.Our activities focus on the following main priorities:1) Healthy lifestyles: a range of healthy living, weight management, community exercise and cookery courses. 2) T-natal: a package of support for young parents, ranging from health, housing, employment and antenatal education. 3) Social Circle: a range of art, luncheon clubs, gardening and craft activities for those who may be socially isolated or living with mental health conditions. 4) Bumps, babies and breastfeeding: groups to support prospective and new parents who require advice and/or assistance with any issues relating to babies and breastfeeding. We have a vast amount of experience in delivering and monitoring projects. We have strong partnerships in place and work with a range of statutory services and local organisations. The Trustee board is effective in ensuring good governance and ensuring all policies and management systems are in place.Complementing this, we also provide a welcoming centre for local community groups to hire and provide opportunities for students, work placements and volunteers.

Current opportunities

West Yorkshire, BD21 2JH

Keighley Healthy Living are looking for skilled Trustees to join our dynamic board and help to drive our charity forward and make a...