The Junction - Young People, Health and Wellbeing

The Junction - Young People, Health and Wellbeing

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Counselling / advice
  • Education
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Mental health
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


The Junction is an award winning young person’s health service for 12-21 year olds primarily in North East Edinburgh.  We also support the development of health related work with young people throughout Edinburgh.

We offer access to a wide range of services, promoting health and wellbeing and providing young people with the skills to cope, enjoy life and reach their potential. We achieve this through education, information, and by providing a safe and welcoming environment with caring staff and volunteers who specialise in youth health.

The Junction grew out of an Action Research Project in which young people identified a range of needs for health information, support & advice. These needs are reflected in current key data indicators.

Our project has been designed to meet these needs by providing a safe & welcoming space with caring staff & volunteers who specialise in youth health. We recognise issues are interrelated so  young people are able to access health services without having to fit themselves in with a particular defined issue. Within this holistic approach our services are layered allowing young people to engage at their appropriate level & time.


We offer access to a wide range of services promoting health and well-being providing young people with the skills to cope, enjoy life, play their part in the community and reach their full potential.  We achieve this through education, information and by providing a safe and welcoming environment with caring staff and volunteers who specialise in youth health.

Our services include: 

  • A One to One Service that provides both structured and ad-hoc individual support

  • A Young People Affected Trauma

  • A Specialist Young Peoples Counselling Service

  • A Group Work Service including action research projects, information/resource development, peer education and issue based work

  • An Outreach Service including street and outreach to schools, youth/voluntary agencies and community groups

  • Hate Crime Reporting –

  • An Open Access Service including a sexual health focussed drop in, alcohol focussed drop in and the Chiller - a stress reduction drop in that offers access to free complementary therapies

  • A Volunteer Service that provides the community with the opportunity to get involved

  • The Junction Youth Advisors a group of young people who advise us and promote service provision

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