

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Counselling / advice
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Jigsaw4u is a well-established community based children's charity in south west London, working with children and young people affected by complex social, emotional and bereavement issues, such as domestic abuse, pre and post bereavement, family breakdown, sexual exploitation, going missing from home and emotional and behavioural problems.

We help children and young people 'back on track' and make a significant contribution to the emotional well being and mental health of children, young people and families. We work in schools, in the community, family home and at our Centre - or in neutral places such as cafes if that is what the young people want.

We work with approximately 3000 individual each year.


Paid staff and a team of volunteers work directly with children, young people and parents - providing a wide range of skilled services, such as 1-1 work , small group work, mediation, advocacy, independent visiting and parenting groups.

Referrals come from a wide range of professionals such as schools, GPs, health visitors, social workers etc as well as parents and young people themselves/

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