JRCT has been founded Jay Charara Msc. Jay is a Social and Organisational Psychologist, Consultant and ex Senior University Lecturer, He has vast experience in the field of diversity, inclusion and equality and has been retained in the past as a Consultant Advisor by Numerous Public and Private organisations to assist with cultural and behavioural change and Attitudes in Organisations vis a vis Prejudice and discrimination
Our mission at JRCT is to serve and protect our community by defending against prejudice wherever it may exist and by eradicating its root causes.
-We aim to confront Anti-Semitism and all forms of Racism
-Disability and all forms of discrimination
-Ethics violations and all forms of inequalities
NB we have added Ethics violations to our aims because at JRCT we believe that Racism and Discrimination stem not only from ignorance but also from violations at the ethical and moral levels.
As part of our aim in defending against prejudice, we have identified ongoing communication and education as primary tools to disseminate our message and core values of equalities and inclusion to our communities and the wider public. We have further started an initial project for the next 12 months that we intend to roll out locally in the Manchester area: the project is called Human library. The principle of the human library is to register as books volunteers who have experienced prejudice or discrimination and to have readers “listen” to their story. The setting can include places of work and other public areas. The aim here is to grow organically as we educate the public in a non judgemental way about the harmful effects of inequalities. But we will not hesitate to confront any wide spread inequalities and injustices uncovered by our work and perpetrated by any organisation we come across and that is brought to our attention.