Institut Supérieur des Arts et Métiers (ISAM-Guinée) is a Social Enterprise set up to provide Professional and Vocational Education to disadvantaged young people in Guinea. The creation of the School stems from the observed inadequacy between the Education System and the labour market; and the burning desire of the founders to address the issues of high youth unemployment and skills shortage in Guinea.
ISAM aims to contribute to the provision of quality technical training to meet the growing and pressing needs of the many young people who aspire to stable, well paid and rewarding careers.
ISAM-Guinée is an institution of excellence that aims to train skilled technicians ready for the labour market. It will work towards the establishment of a quality brand with the stated objective of delivering products and services that comply with International Standards and that are particularly competitive within the Mano River Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). To achieve this, we aim to develop gold standard curriculum with our national and international partners (Industry, Universities, Colleges, and Government), using innovative educational tools such as competency-based approach, with the integration of sustainable development issues and the use of new technologies. In the future, the Institute will also house a laboratory of reference in research on sustainable cities and an international conference centre on emerging countries.
Our Objectives are to:
PROVIDE quality professional training to young people
EQUIP young people with the knowledge and skills required to have a successful career in industry
EMPOWER young people with qualifications, experience and the confidence to contribute to the development of their communities
IMPROVE the image of Professional and Technical Education and make it accessible to all