The major current project benefactor of the IYF is the European Union Youth Orchestra (, At least 120 members, the direct beneficiaries, are selected annually from 2500-3500 applicants aged 16-26 in a rigorous 4-month recruitment process in all EU countries through partnerships with 27 National Partners. Additionally, annually, circa 350 alumni will benefit from online learning and ongoing career opportunities, circa 2000 candidates from audition feedback classes, and several hundred other young Europeans from the Music Hub Europe programme and broader network activity. Many thousands will gain through physical and online audiences annually, as well as the 27 EU Member States and the EU, whom the Orchestra represents.
The Orchestra carries out the professionalising of the EU’s Cultural Ambassador youth orchestra of highly-talented young musicians from all 27 EU Member States, to implement and represent the EU’s loftiest values and most important cultural priorities, united in a shared sense of the importance of European heritage, democracy, sustainability, innovation, diversity, equity, inclusion, and the constant pursuit of the highest levels of excellence. Providing development paths from high quality training and performance, and progressing successful careers in music that contribute to a better Europe. The EUYO is acknowledged as one of the world’s great orchestras, both in the EU and globally; an orchestra of dynamism, youthful energy and passion, shaped afresh each year, always at the forefront, anticipating and reacting to our changing world. EU cultural ambassadors. Tomorrow’s musical leaders in Europe, advocating for unity in diversity.
During 2024-27 outputs will include 4 annual recruitment processes,12 orchestra residences, 40 major concerts, 4 chamber residencies, 8 Café Bauhaus projects, 4 Europe Day events, 4 European Cultural Heritage projects, 4 annual online learning programmes, 8 Music Hub Europe projects, an annual apprenticeship scheme, a digital shift programme, the establishment, roll out and review of cross cutting policies, and local, national and international dissemination.