Integritas Advocacy

Integritas Advocacy

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Financial inclusion
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities
  • Poverty relief
  • Social care
  • Substance misuse
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Our mission is Protecting and promoting the rights of vulnerable people in the heart of their communities. We provide free holistic person centred one to one support to adults with learning disabilities and mental ill health with multiple or complex needs.

We currently work in Nottingham City providing a service through the City Clinical Commissioning Group's Mental health recovery pathway and work with around 120 adults a year. 

Our service provides a key worker to do things like make and attend appointments of all kind, benefits support, debt work, support with health and engagement with other appropriate community and statutory agencies. 


We keep the client central and our values are driven by what is best for them. We continue to be informed by feedback from clients through the use of focus groups and evaluations, Integritas has former service users on their board, staff team and as befriending volunteers.

Integrity - we are honest and realistic about interventions and provide sensitive challenge where needed.

- Resilience and self-help – we operate a psychologically informed model that helps clients to make changes in their thinking patterns and behaviours and have the space to reflect on their actions and how they impact on themselves and others in order to become more resilient. Our action planning process means we work alongside clients and not do things for them. We ensure clients recognise progress to give them confidence for the future.

- Empathy - we provide non-judgemental support, clients know they can trust us with sensitive and personal information. A frequent comment in our focus group was that it was good to have Integritas “on your side”, and that workers, “Treated them as ‘normal’”.

- Tenacity - clients knows that we don’t give up when it comes to getting their voice and wishes heard at the same time as being realistic about what is possible.

- Teamwork and continual learning - all clients have a named worker but close team working means any staff member can provide support if necessary and support each other with specialist knowledge.

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