Inside Out North East CIC

Inside Out North East CIC

At a glance


  • Education
  • Local / community
  • Women
  • Young people

Other details

Organisation type: 
Not for profit
Geographical remit: 


Inside Out is a Community Interest Company with a number of projects within. The main aim is to support girls and women in the County Durham area in a variety of ways to build self esteem and self worth.

Our staff are trauma informed and work with a person centred approach inĀ supporting women and girls to recognise their own potential.


There are 3 elements to the project. They are:

  • An alternative education provision for girls at who have been or are at risk of school exclusion. It provides core subject delivery alongside Hair and Beauty sessions to promote positive representation of self. This will be aimed at girls in Year 10 and 11.
  • An out of school hours provision for girls who may need extra support and activities during school holidays. This will be less formal and will be around hair, beauty, crafts, mentoring and life skills.
  • A service for women who have suffered trauma and abuse to access reduced cost or free Hair and Beauty treatments for specific events such as job interviews. This will be offered on a referral basis from supporting organisations.

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