

At a glance


  • Counselling / advice
  • Mental health
  • Sports
  • Training / employment support

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


We are an early-stage registered charity set up to help adults on the cusp of recovery from (or on the verge of) mental health concerns to regain purpose, meaning and direction.

The most vulnerable point of the journey is returning to (or remaining in) work: 53% relapse within a year, 79% of whom relapse within six months. 

Our unique combined model – a personalised cycling plan, access to confidential counselling and practical help with career choices (including start-up/business ownership) – has won support from Public Health England, local authorities and NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups and is intended to:

  • Reduce drain on NHS resources and upon benefit dependency
  • Maximise sustainable self-reliance and independent living. 

Charitable objects:

The objects of the CIO are for the benefit of people with mental health concerns:

  • The advancement of health for public benefit, through promotion and provision of cycling activities and therapeutic counselling modalities which have a proven beneficial effect on health.
  • The advancement of education and relief from unemployment in the united kingdom for public benefit, through provision of vocational training, resources, advice and assistance to find and sustain work, the starting and growing of a business or volunteering, developing individual capabilities, competences, skills and understanding.
  • The relief of those in need, by reason of ill-health and financial hardship among people living or working in the United Kingdom, promoting mental improvement and providing for public benefit goods and services which could not otherwise be accessed through lack of means.


  1. Offer of tailored cycling plan to help improve fitness, manage stress, gain confidence and develop skills with a Cycle Mentor (and Coordinator) during an initial 10-week programme and ongoing ad-hoc support for up to a year that includes provision of a bicycle if needed on accessible terms; 
  2. Offer of self-referred free access to a choice of accredited therapists to help build resilience;
  3. Offer of self-directed free e-learning and guidance about vocational options including volunteering, start-up or growing a business to help people find purpose and direction.

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