Independent Monitoring Boards

Independent Monitoring Boards

At a glance


  • Criminal justice

Other details

Organisation type: 
Public sector body
Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Inside every prison, immigration removal centres and some short-term holding facilities at airports, there is an IMB – a group of ordinary members of the public doing an extraordinary job. IMB members are independent, unpaid and work an average of 3 days per month depending on the needs of the Board and the individual.

Members are the eyes and ears of Ministers and monitor the day-to-day life in their local prison to ensure that proper standards of care and decency are maintained.


  1. Make frequent visits (3-4 per month) 
  2. Have access to records 
  3. Inform ministers of any abuse 
  4. Hear complaints and requests 
  5. Produce an annual report 

Travel expenses are paid but the role itself is voluntary.

Full induction period including training & mentoring provided. Induction period is 12 months on average.

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