Independent Food Aid Network

Independent Food Aid Network

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Human rights
  • Local / community
  • Voluntary sector support

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Independent Food Aid Network (IFAN) seeks to connect and support grassroots independent food aid providers, to provide a voice for these groups by advocating on their behalf at a national level, and to campaign for food security for all - and the end for the need of emergency food aid in the UK.


IFAN organises its activities in three broad areas:

  • Building understanding of the causes, scale and potential solutions to food insecurity amongst members, key stake holders and policy makers, and the wider public.
  • Working directly with members and connecting members to each other to share examples of how best to address problems of food insecurity in the short term, and to build the necessary alliances to bring about the structural changes necessary and achievable at the local level to end food insecurity in the longer term.
  • Contributing to campaigns designed to highlight issues of food insecurity and bring about the necessary changes at national and international scales to bring an end to food insecurity in the UK.

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