helps you to include people isolated by understanding and speaking difficulties
Understanding and speaking (communication) difficulties lead to loneliness, mental health difficulties, reduced chance of employment and and serious health inequalities.
1 in 5 of us will experience a communication difficulty in our lifetime, whether through acquired conditions like dementia, Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, or developmental conditions like learning disabilities or autism. teaches people the communication skills which help include people with understanding and speaking difficulties wherever you meet them, helping them lead the lives we take for granted.
We provide training, consultancy and activities for organisations that want to improve their inclusive communication skills and make their services more accessible and welcoming for people with understanding and speaking difficulties.
Our innovative approach is based on clinical evidence. It is often unexpected, frequently musical and always guarantees a smile.
At the heart of the organisation sings The Include Choir, an inclusive community choir which brings together people with and without understanding and speaking disabilities, teaching inclusive communication skills like Makaton signing, and breaking down barriers and raising joyful awareness of people with communication needs.