Housing for Women

Housing for Women

At a glance


  • Housing and homelessness
  • Women

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Housing for Women is a housing association and charity dedicated to improve lives by providing social housing and gender sensitive support services to women in London. We want to ensure that women and their families who are facing challenging circumstances have the best chances in life, whether they have simply been priced out of the London housing market, or have experienced domestic violence, been a victim of trafficking or are ex-offenders.


  • We provide housing in London for single women and those with families.
  • We offer emergency refuge accommodation, floating support, children’s services and telephone advice to women who have or are experiencing Domestic Violence.
  • We provide appropriate accommodation and support to mothers leaving prison so they can regain custody of their children and gain the life skills needed for resettlement
  • We offer second stage housing and in-depth support to women who have been trafficked to the UK for prostitution or domestic servitude.

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