Housing Rights

Housing Rights

At a glance


  • Housing and homelessness

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Northern Ireland


Housing Rights is the leading provider of independent specialist housing advice services in
Northern Ireland. We believe everyone has the right to a decent, safe and affordable home
and have been working for over 50 years to help achieve this on behalf of people who are
homeless or living in poor housing in Northern Ireland. All our services are delivered
throughout Northern Ireland and focus on the key areas of preventing homelessness;
accessing accommodation; tackling affordability and poor housing conditions.


  • Providing a housing advice line.
  • Undertaking advocacy and legal representation on behalf of people with housing problems
  • Providing in situ court representation service for people facing possession as a consequence of debt.
  • Providing online advice through the website www.housingadviceNI.org as well as email advice.
  • Providing a good practice and compliance helpline for private landlords operating in Northern Ireland.
  • Providing a specialist housing advice service within the prisons in NI.
  • Providing intensive short term support to the most vulnerable prisoners on release to ensure they are connected with appropriate support services within the community.
  • Supporting (in partnership with Citizens Advice and AdviceNI) generalist advice agencies to deliver high quality housing in their local communities.
  • Delivering a skills and knowledge based training programme.
  • Producing information resource materials on housing law and practice.
  • Providing client based comment to influence the development of relevant public policy

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