Homestart wellingborough and District

Homestart wellingborough and District

At a glance


  • Children / families

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


We offer support to some of the most deprived families in the local community  who have at least one child under school age. Our aim is to make them both emotionally and materially self sustaining by the time the last child goes to school.  At least 25% of  the children  served are on the at risk register. Many of the parents suffer from mental health and addiction difficulties.


Each family is assess by a professional worker  to identify their need  and a care plan is developed which is basically carried out by a  trained voluntary worker. Volunteers  are committed to giving  at least 2 hours support weekly. We have close working relationships with the statuary and specialist services with-in the area so that all families  needs can be met.  Progress is regularly assessed by the professional workers who are always available to  support to the volunteers when there are any difficulties.Volunteers do not do for families but may work with them. Their main function is to be a supportive friend  who can make suggestion and  support the families to get their needs met so that parents can be supported to have good parenting skills and the children can reach their full potential.      

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